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Gedichte über Lustiges - Seite 246


The Gentleman (englisch)

At first I was a Gentleman,
Wall ich mich gut benehmen can,
I almost halt the Türen auf,
I often Blumensträuße kauf,
The compliment gos never aus,
I schmier her honey round the mouth.
It happens öfter als Du denkst,
I am schon ein toller Hengst.
I am always gut gedressed,
Heuchle meisstens interess,
And the girls flying on me
Like in the light the Mottenvieh.
My girl thought, such a toller Hecht
Wär als husband gar nicht schlecht!
At first when I was so in love
I had here rote Rosen kafft,
She brought me Weissbier in the Bett,
The live was damals very nett.
Today my wife is not so proud,
Yesterday she had me g’haut,
When I came home aus meinem Pup,
Laut singing and a bissler schlapp,
She meets me with the noodlewood
And makes me the Frisur kaput.
That’s not first time, I have to say,
So we are living all the day.
My wife called me a stupid Sau,
She criticize my Körperbau,
But she cocked me the Schweinebraten,
Therefore I am so gut geraten.
She made me dumplings, round and gross
Und dazu a gute Soss,
My body now is bride and prächtig,
My wife said always I am trächtig!

I always use two different socks
I drink the Gin without the rocks.
My wife said I’m no Gentleman,
Wofür ich really gar nix can.
I’m styled, I’m dressed, I’m up to date
But my wife said I am blade.
The door aufhalten geht gar nett,
I’m coming sowieso zu spät.
On birthday I had present bracht
These Weibsbild hat mich ausgelacht,
Sie sagt zu mir, these wär a shame,
14 Tag too late I came,
And than she said the Fass is voll
And I my Zeug zampacken soll.
Des bringt she fertig, she is cool,
And she says I am a fool.
I’m living on the Parkbank heut
Between lauter arme Leut’.
I’m looking where I sleepen can,
But I am still a Gentleman!
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