Never Be Returned

Ein Gedicht von Daisy Picoems
My whole life has been a frown
With my parents being careless
And watching my brother drown
It only could end up a mess

Me being alone
With a Fiesta the only thing I own
Life is hard when you're on the ground
And nothing left to keep you bound

Now with humans being greedy
Not caring about nature and the needy
They robbed the freedom of a soul
And put him into a windowed bowl

Besides why do they have the right
To tell me which drugs are right?
So I've got a bit of that and this
Probably the only thing I'll really miss

So I spend a day in the park
And eat my last meal
But really I'm just waiting for dark
He's pretty big, but it's no fear I feel

The setting sun makes me glad
When I take my pills
No wonder he went mad
After years of obeying their wills

I'll take a bath with Tilly
You don't know what I mean?
Just think about Free Willy
And over the pools edge I lean

The water is cold
I start to swim towards him with a grin
For this shit you've got to be bold
It's the whale who will win

The next morning my body was found
With Tilikum carrying me around
I now have left this world
And will never be returned

Informationen zum Gedicht: Never Be Returned

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