Ein Gedicht von Heinrich Baumgarten
They write it in the papers, they show it on TV,
they tell it on the radio: reports for you and me.
No news is bad news - bad news is better.
Good news is rare, but that doesn't matter.

They wrote it in the papers, they showed it on TV.
They told it on the radio: reports for you and me.
No news? Bad news. Bad news? That's better.
Peace talks have failed, but that doesn't matter.

They read it in the papers, they see it on TV.
They hear it on the radio: To be or not to be.
Don't give a damn, budgets growing fatter
for overkill's sake. But that doesn't matter.

They read it in the papers, you saw it on TV,
I heard it on the radio that we are not to be.
Same news as ever, couldn't be sadder.
So future looks dark - but that doesn't matter...

(Jan 7th, 1985)

Heinrich Baumgarten

Informationen zum Gedicht: JUNK NEWS

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