Jah's always in you

Ein Gedicht von Diandra Rahmen
Jah live
Jah bless
Jah give
So Rest in Peace
In Love so deep
That you stand so secure in your own two feed, that you cant sweep
Even when you realese the pain of your intensest inner feels
You know you can dedicate to all and that nothing else's needed
So start 2 heal anything from the above, to the underneedth n the in between where your physical is bein
Stop 2 flee from your self, confront you, common see in n youll earn wealth n health and learn your truely being
Let your feeding Always be the truth no Matter if it maces you bleeding and screaming
Anything is here for a reason so warm welcome any season without shielding
Use the light of you sreening to learn your teachings. Find out the deeper meaning cause It helps you clearing
Find the Balance between dreaming n achieving
Let the Briefing Bring you to your inner beating
n you will meet in 2 you to your hearts voice
Ask it anytine you want for choice It wont decive you. With its (Power n freedom) in your Team youll be reachin anything you want n need. Live itself it has/got anything in its bearing

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