Love and Peace (Songtext)

Ein Gedicht von Thomas
Imagine it is war but no one takes part,
because everyone is to clever and smart,
because no one will listen to liars voice,
because we all are taking love as first choice.

Verse 1:
Who wants to die for an arrogant guy?
(No one! No one!)
Who wants to kill humans on the fly?
(No one! No one!)
We prefer pure love, unguilty and shy.
We choose joy as only reason to cry!

Verse 2;
Who wants to take a childs daddy away?
(No one! No one!)
Who thinks dieing for honor is OK?
(No one! No one!)
We like to see sunrise on horizon!
We prefere playing with daughter and son!

Imagine it is war but no one takes part,
because everyone is to clever and smart,
because no one will listen to liars voice,
because we all are taking love as first choice.

Verse 3:
If you are one of those who need to fight.
Be police officer and fight for right!
Kick thiefth, killers aswell rapers asses!
Hunt and lock them straight for theirs trepasses.

Verse 4:
Love happy, live peaceful and don't make war.
(Come on! Come on!)
Be here on earth -not in heaven - a star.
(Come on! Come on!)
Save the Planet and take care on nature.
Don't be a wild and killing creature!

Imagine it is war but no one takes part,
because everyone is to clever and smart,
because no one will listen to liars voice,
because we all are taking love as first choice.


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