Jacob-through dreams

Ein Gedicht von L J Miller
Little smiles, then deeper looks,
later slightly leaning in.
Thoughts of kissing,
still they're missing
chance by chance to say 'hello'.

That man is fighting through the dreams,
with no glances, either hopes
just to show her what he means
With guns and knives and blood red ropes.
He takes captive of her heart
It was bleeding, dripping and yelling,
as Jacob tore it apart.

Oh man, oh boy, these dreams don't stop,
what she supposed to do?
Oh man, oh boy, when she's asleep,
There's always Jacob walking through.

Dear my love, the letter says,
'quitt dreaming of my shades.
Better tell me how you feel,
cause we won't see for days.'

In his eyes the love shows up,
by looks, so pure to feel
But she will not believe enough,
to proof it, or reveal.

The love goes drowning in her dreams,
as Jacob turned and left
Wet eyes, sore hearts and fading feels,
leaving big regrets.

Oh man, oh boy, these dreams don't stop,
what she supposed to do?
Oh man, oh boy, when she's asleep,
There ain't nobody walking through.

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