I was yesterday ...

Ein Gedicht von Der Tod ist ein Meis
I was yesterday alone
In my own zoo
Without tattoo
I was yesterday in Trafalgare Square
at 6 or maybe at 7 p.m.
I don't remember

I'm back from hell
This was a Germany
I haven't got any money
I need money, honey ;)
I need honey
Want to see Winnie the Pooh?
Or Berlin Zoo?

I was watching TV
and suddenly I saw
the funeral ceremony
of Queen Elisabeth

I'm feeling disharmony
or diarrhea
NO, I don't want to sing with Chris Rea
I remember this ceremony well
This sorrow
I don't need to borrow this sorrow

I saw this sorrow
With Peterborough on BBC
This Trafalgar Square
were covered in black
I saw this
Millions of specators
Millions of gladiators
saw this
I want only destroy my sorrow
My Dessert of Joy

I saw the forrest
Black Forest
I want to rest
You are arrested!

Informationen zum Gedicht: I was yesterday ...

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