Flight 006

Ein Gedicht von Daisy Picoems
I just got done at ten
Listening to some music
My seat neighbour wants my pen
And I'm like 'use it'

So I spend my time looking at the sky
I still don't understand why planes fly
It got a bit loud and I notice smoke
I doubt this is a joke

Stewardesses are getting nervous
As we start falling towards the surface
I hear people shout and scream
I ask myself is this a dream?

'Oh God!
Don't let it end like this!
I swear I'll be better to Todd
And from now on the only woman I kiss
Will be Mary, my beloved wife
I won't again threaten them with a knife
And I promise, I'll stop beating
And start treating'

Suddenly the plane flies stable again
I almost have to vomit
When I think about what all I've promised
So fuck it – already waiting is Adrienne

Informationen zum Gedicht: Flight 006

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