Bright Love (Englisch)

Ein Gedicht von Laura-Jane Simon
Dear soul you are my light,
dear soul you shine so bright,
show me the way to forgive,
show me the way to live.

Dear heart you are crying,
but he was just lying,
can’t forget his name,
life is not the same.

Why can’t he see my tears,
my true coming fears,
I thought my love was true,
I thought love was you.

How could I be so wrong,
time stood still so long,
when I was close, when I was near,
I lost the fear.

It’s time to forget,
forget what we had,
love is wonderful,
but still can be cruel.

Love is tender, love is sweet,
I am listening to my hearts beat,
someone is closer than I thought,
maybe I am already caught.

let’s finish, let’s start new,
cause love wasn’t you,
I feel a new fire inside,
and it’s shining bright.

Could I forget,
what we had,
the last tear,
the first step, without fear.

Life is new,
without you,
love is tender, love is sweet,
I am listening to my hearts beat.

© by Laura-Jane Simon

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