Ein Gedicht von Önder Demir
You are the city of my dreams,
The town of halls and golden gleams.
Within your arms, I came to be,
With heart and soul, I honor thee.

We are unbreakable, Nuremberg!
You are my home, my heart, my world.
No matter where, no matter when,
I’ll always find my way again.
You are my treasure, Nuremberg!

You are the air I breathe each day,
The bread that keeps my hunger away.
Never think I’d forget your name,
You are in me, I’m just the same.

We are unbreakable, Nuremberg!
You are my home, my heart, my world.
No matter where, no matter when,
I’ll always find my way again.
You are my treasure, Nuremberg!

Your walls still whisper tales of old,
Of battles fought and legends told.
Each stone I step on speaks to me,
Of home, of light, of destiny.

Through every storm, with you I stand,
Your strength, my shelter, safe and grand.
You are the city that knows my mind,
With you, I’m child, with you, I’m man.

We are unbreakable, Nuremberg!
You are my home, my heart, my world.
No matter where, no matter when,
I’ll always find my way again.
You are my life, my pride, Nuremberg!

Önder Demir

Informationen zum Gedicht: NUREMBERG

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