We give Thanks to the Lord

Ein Gedicht von Petra Havemann
We give Thanks to the Lord for each new morning with its light,
For the love that surrounds us during every day and night.
For having health, friends, joy and a place in which we dwell,
And a home with a stove, from which starts of a pleasant smell.

We give Thanks to the Lord for being allowed to go to school,
For the teachers, who may help us to act respectfully and cool.
For having freetime after all the homework was done
And being able to relax a bit and to have fun.

We give Thanks to the Lord above for comforting despair,
For all the sorrow in the world that he helps us to share.
For taking care of people who live in poverty and pain
And whose attempts to change this case has until now been in vain.

We give Thanks to the Lord for being able to live in peace,
For having time to enjoy all our miracles and dreams.
We give Thanks to the Lord for blessing our loved ones everywhere
And keeps them in his everlasting living care.

Informationen zum Gedicht: We give Thanks to the Lord

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