Ein Gedicht von Johnny Jazzwackens
Turn around, turn around,
Taste the fear, hot and raw,
Not a sound, not a sound,
All is dark in shadow's maw.

Cannot see, cannot see,
Swallowed up the light as whole,
Cannot flee, cannot flee,
I will have what You once stole.

You may run, you may hide,
All of it shall be for naught,
What I'll do I shall decide,
You destroyed for what I fought.

You'll be caught, You will be seen,
All of You shall know my pain,
What You are and what You've been,
Everyone will back my claim.

I will hunt, I will chase,
Wishful thinking of repentence,
When we come face to face,
At last I'll have my long-lost Vengeance.

Informationen zum Gedicht: VGCE

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