The sky is dark but blue

Ein Gedicht von Mi Mabell
The night is dark and there are no stars.
I am waiting for you.
The days are so long and i am not strong.
Not strong enough to love you.

And when the rain fall the sky is dark but blue.
When my tears fall and my heart tell me the truth.
I am strong and I do not wait for you,
Because then my love is enough for you.

I sing this song to remember you
That we fall in love like Nobody will ever do.
But i have to ask, what is today new,
That we Talk like we never Do.

The night is dark and there are no stars.
I am waiting for you.
The days are so long and i am not strong.
Not strong enough to love you.

In the end i am only your best friend.
I Will Never wait for you.
You will never Be strong to Love me for long.
I am stronger than you, but baby i love you.

Copyright © by MiMabell

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