Pine trees and the sea

Ein Gedicht von Lilly Lime
Pine trees and the sea

I beseech you, love

that was lost ere dawn

to sea-gulls and the ocean wide

to turn back - look at me! -

behold what might have been -

In a fairytale slumber

I reach for you, longing for a kiss -

- thin as air, the ocean stole you -

- I wake on empty brains ...

I look at you, my love,

without remorse, for though

we cannot be reborn

or join this side of death,

my heart will know you evermore

and say no more of loss -

In a groove of ancient pine trees

I bury my heart.

Will you ever remember yester eve

ere the world was born?

I fell in love with you

when I heard your voice,

saw your smile,

and felt your spirit

- life might have crushed me.

But here,

under earth and needles

my heart will be safe

in its earthly slumber,

waiting for you ...

One day you might remember.

25. Juli 2017
copyright Lilly Lime

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